2nd Try becuase I guess the pictures couldn't enlarge the first time...
This last weekend we went camping - the 1st scheduled one of the summer. Summer weather even decided to make an appearance, which was really nice not to have to bundle up or hide from the rain!
This was also Andy's first trip camping. Camping is never easy w/a Baby, but it was nice that the kid-to-adult ratio was in our favor. He was in good spirits and even slept about as normal as we could expect. All though he wasn't sure about the boat ride on Papa's boat - just had this look of bewilderment... I think he might have heard too many stories to relax on it! :)
Abby LOVED camping this year. She is really starting to get into the the boat rides, dirt, and eating really badly. Boat rides and S'mores - what else is there really?!?
Abby and MJ spent a ridiculous amount of time in the lake on Saturday. Really, it was crazy. That waster was FREEZING given the spring we have had and how early in the summer this trip always falls. But, they were in it - for hours! They did take a break to polish off nearly an ENTIRE bag of Animal Cookies and make sure their Daddies got wet as well!
Andy just sat in his "Fishy Boat" and took it all in. I wouldn't say he didn't like this boat either, I would just say he had the same look of bewilderment. He never once tried to climb out of it though. And he sat in there for a good hour probably. So, I guess you can say he liked it as much as he could?
All in all it was a good trip. Andy got a lot of cuddle/lap time, we got to visit w/good friends and family, and Abby got to play, play, play. We all slept good at home on Sunday night and I got to plow thru a TON of laundry - not much of which was mine!