Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Andy: 25 Months and Potty Trained!?!?!?!

Have I told you lately how much I love this sweet, sweet boy?

No? Well, let me fix that... I love this sweet, sweet boy. I love that he can fall asleep ANYWHERE and actually prefers to cuddle up on me while doing so. His sweet cuddles and loves and kisses are priceless. Just priceless. I love that he loves "Cars" and "Thomas" and "Elmo" and Rocks and Dirt and Animals and Bike Riding. I love all the "little boy" stuff about him - so far anyways...

But. The whining. The whining is about ready to send me over the edge. Jump off the cliff, lock myself in a room, run away type crazy folks. This child is going to be the one. He is going to be the one that sends me to the nut house.

A few weeks back (August 24th) in fact. Andy turned 25 months old and mastered the whining. He spent the majority of the previous 24 hours whining. Just whining. I could have given him away. I'm serious. You laugh. But, I'm serious.

I think he sensed my frustration. What? My mood was readable by all around me? Me? Not good at hiding my emotions? Not good at being "fake"? Me? Never. ahem.

Anyways... where was I? Oh Frustration. Yes, the brilliant child of mind sensed that he had to do something. Something to right this wrong. Some men send flowers. Some gravel. Some buy gifts. My little man? My little man PEE-PEED ON THE POTTY!!! Yep, you read right. He peed on the potty and never turned back. Not once. Not once.

The next day we got out the Elmo and Thomas and Lightning underpants and spent the day drinking fluids, peeing on the potty, and calling everyone who would listen to share our excitement. Andy WAS POTTY-TRAINED!!! A 25 month old BOY. "They" said it couldn't be done. I had my doubts as well, but in the bottom of the 9th he knocked it outta the park. It was definitely a "pee or get off the pot" type situation in our relationship.

The following morning him and Daddy did some lawn mowing. Apparently, he was on the potty, heard the lawn mower start up, and took off. He was so excited to help daddy he might have forgotten to pull up his underpants. Oh well, give him a break. He is new to this! ;-)

So, anyway... Andy is 25 months old. It seems like FOREVER since I have done an "Andy update" post. What is Andy up to besides relieving himself you ask? Honestly, I don't know. I'm so overwhelmed with that excitement and new found love for him that I can't think straight! NO really. Let's see...

I think the whining is 1. He is two, and 2. He is teething. Not sure which it is more, but I don't really care at this point. Why you ask? Well, because he is potty-trained!!!!

Since turning two, he learned to ride his strider bike. He is a make-believing fool. Loves puppy. Loves all things "Lightning/Mator". He is SMART. He has an arm like you wouldn't believe. He has a girlfriend (ha-ha). Loves Camping. Sleeps like a champ. Travels well. Loves swimming. Is a "Mommy's Boy". I could go on and on. But then no one would feel bad for me about the whining. What? You don't. Well... humph.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August: It is time...

I haven't blogged in almost SIX MONTHS. It is time. It is time put the fingers to the keyboard and reflect on why I haven't, and why I think I need to start again.

What have we been up to you ask? Well, you didn't, but I'm pretending you did. I'm going to pretend that someone, anyone, noticed that I hadn't blogged. Even if ABSOLUTELY NOBODY INCLUDING MY HUSBAND SAID ANYTHING! But, I'm getting off track...

Well let's see. What have we been doing? We had sabbatical, then the end of the school year for Abby, Trav's Birthday, Fathers' Day, camping, July 4th, more camping, Abby turned FIVE, Andy turned TWO, more camping, etc. We have been busy. It has been fun. I will probably, slowly, work on some of the above blogs. At some point. But, as of today, I decided that I need to cut bait and just move on or I would never get back into it.

This weekend was the first weekend since. Well. I'm not really sure. The first weekend in a LONG time that we had nothing on the books. And, even though we have had a TON of fun so far this summer, I will have to say that this weekend was one of my favorites. It just goes to show you, it doesn't matter what you are doing, as long as you are doing it well!

With the quietness and relaxation, of this weekend, has come reflection. With reflection as come the need to blog. I haven't blogged on a regular basis for awhile. We have been busy. This time of year the family sees my kids on a regular basis, and we are doing a lot of activities with said family. So, there isn't a lot of need to "update" them on what we are doing. But, today. Today I felt the need to take some photos and rectify that...

August is almost over. And, with that has come SUMMER. Finally... That being said. Summer is over for us in just 2 1/2 weeks. Abby starts Kindergarten and life goes back to "school schedule". That is a bitter pill to swallow for a Mommy that 1) LOVES the sun, and 2) is sending her baby to Kinder this year. Instead of getting depressed by the looming end of our short summer, I decided to just take some photos around our yard and take in the beauty of what it was. Summer. Home. Family. Friends. Blessings.

This last week we spent time as a family spreading dirt. You wouldn't think that would be fun. But, it was time as a family and the kids were pretty cute little helpers. With the amazing kindness of our neighbor Matt (his wife and kids were out of town and I think he was bored), it went twice as fast and the kids and I could barely keep up with their dirt hauling skills!

Really folks. How cute are they? How could you NOT enjoy manual labor if they were by your side?

Later in the week, Austin spent a TON of time raking out the dirt just right, adjusting sprinklers, and seeding our new lawn. Somedays I forget he is my dorky little brother and I get impressed with his skills. For a moment. Then I remember who he is... ;) Anyway, the new yard is on the way, and I'm so excited to see it in a few short weeks - grow damnit!!!

Because really... it is all worth it when you get to watch your pets, kids, and friends enjoy the fruits of your labor.

This is the beauty of my yard. Sometimes, okay most of the time, I get caught up in the work and stress that is weeds, dying trees, and messy bark and forget to focus on the beauty that is. My camera helped me with the "focus" part this weekend... ;)

This weekend we also got to watch the AirShow. From our back yard. Now, we don't see it all. But, the excitement of waiting for the planes to fly over is one of my favorite parts of the weekend. It is an excuse to hang in the yard for three days and not worry about the laundry, or dishes, or bills, etc. We just hung out as a family with our friends and neighbors and enjoyed the weekend.

Lastly. I mentioned blessings. I think this entire blog is a testament of the blessings around us. My Family, My Kitty Cat, My Yard, My Life. All are precious gifts from God. Sometimes it is nice to just stop and count your blessings. Or Freckles. Or both...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beverly Beach Camping - Aug. 2011

Our third camping trip of the summer was the Beverly Beach Bex and Brown Bamily Bampout!!! HaHa. I'm a dork...

So, anyway we packed up the trailer, the kids, the dog, and the Bex Family and headed to the Beach. Abby didn't get to play at a REAL beach when we were at Honeyman, so she was excited to go to the beach to play. Andy was excited to see Brynn and I was personally excited for two of my favorite things - April and Nutella - heehee.

First night there Brynn taught Andy how to ride his Strider Bike!!! Everyone told me that the way to get him to ride it was to have another kid show him. Sure enough. He watched her for like 10 seconds and he was a super star as well - thanks Brynn. I can't wait to tell Andy that a GIRL taught him to ride a bike someday. I hope you are there when I do!!!

Here are some photos of our little biker babies - they were SO proud of themselves. The giggles were priceless:

What else do you do while camping you ask? Well, play Beauty Parlor of course - duh! The look on Laci's face is priceless. I swear I was VERY gentle! But, the photos along the top are worth it if you ask me (of course it wasn't my head). They are just adorable together:

Next it was Brynn's turn. She couldn't have cared less. Except for the fact she was very confused by the entire thing. Which, of course, the big girls thought was funny:

Morning #1: Cook and go to Beach. April and I cooking in our PJs and coats. We're cool like that:

The kids entertained themselves, Trav ran the camera, the dogs begged for food, and Marshall schooled us on the importance of tinfoil while camping - who knew? ;)

In the Top Left photo of Andy and Brynn they are picking "flowers" and giving them to each other. Ahhhh. Sweetness I tell you. Sweetness! Then, you ask? Well then they started flinging themselves "belly flop" style against the side of the Bex's Tent. It was so adorable and so bad at the same time. I couldn't help but just laugh. What nuts.

Next we hit the beach! The kids were very excited and it only took us about 2 1/2 trips and four adults to get all their crap to the beach. But, it was worth it. Just look at their happiness! This is why I go camping in the cold and the wind once a year - my kids love it! And really, why else does one camp but to make their kids, and husbands, happy? Well, I guess there is the wine as well...

What did April and I do you ask? Well, NOTHING. It was WONDERFUL. We sat on the beach and played "Words With Friends" and read books on our eReaders. Because, what else do you do while "Roughing It" camping? ;)

Thanks to the Bex Family for joining us! It was a ton of fun to watch the kids play together and invent new yummy s'mores over the campfire - mmmm Nutella...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Honeyman Camping ~ August 2011

Well, I sat down to do a little "Birthday Blog" for Andy and/or Abby. Given the amount of whining that has been going on around here the last few days, I decided it should wait. Instead. Let's talk about camping, shall we?

This year we scheduled FOUR camping trips. I think that might be a personal best for me. Not IN LOVE with camping, but now that the kids are a little older, and we have the trailer, and some fun family/friends to do it with, I'm liking it more and more! I even like a three night trip better than a two night trip now - BIG step for me.

We started of Sunday with some Sand Sledding - Abby loved it! Trav's phone? Not so much. :(

Andy on the other hand, would NOT try it. Unless it was on HIS terms I guess:

We spent most of the Day on Sunday at the lake. Windy, but so fun!!!

This trip was BY FAR my most favorite so far this summer. I have enjoyed them all actually, but this one ROCKED. We went to Honeyman Campground and I'm sorry Beverly Beach, but you might have been bumped off of the list for next year. Honeyman beat you - hands down. Beverly Beach has great Beach access and a playground. But, Honeyman has a LAKE, DUNES, SUN, and ATV Riding!

Oh, and bears!!! Aack!!!

We ran into this guy - almost literally - on our way to scout out a riding place for the day. Oh yeah, did I mention that I FINALLY got to go riding on sand dunes again!!! I was excited. I have really missed it!!!

Everyone, not just me, seemed to enjoy it. All the little kids got to have rides as well. Sorry Sarah, I couldn't resist...

Inbetween turns we used the sand right by the parking lot for some fun and adventure. Belle was determined to fly a Kite, Sled down a hill, and catch a fish. There was no hill, no lake, and no wind at the parking lot. The child is determined. I will give her that

Yes, that is Sarah on the same trip as us. Under a blanket. In a sweatshirt. Notice how everyone else is dressed.

Also, please note that there were TWO Tinkerbell kites. One for Trav and one for Dave. Dave just got fed up with his and took a break.

This was Andy's first trip to dunes. He seemed to figure it out pretty quick. Ride. Drink. Eat. Lounge. Ride. Repeat. Notice Puppy tucked into his sweatshirt, getting ready to head out with Papa. Well of course he needed a security item - he had heard about trips with Papa in the sand!!!

Here are a few more cute shots of the "kids" from the weekend:

Oh! And Belle caught a fish - 1 for 3 ain't bad! I told you she was determined!