Have I told you lately how much I love this sweet, sweet boy?
No? Well, let me fix that... I love this sweet, sweet boy. I love that he can fall asleep ANYWHERE and actually prefers to cuddle up on me while doing so. His sweet cuddles and loves and kisses are priceless. Just priceless. I love that he loves "Cars" and "Thomas" and "Elmo" and Rocks and Dirt and Animals and Bike Riding. I love all the "little boy" stuff about him - so far anyways...
But. The whining. The whining is about ready to send me over the edge. Jump off the cliff, lock myself in a room, run away type crazy folks. This child is going to be the one. He is going to be the one that sends me to the nut house.
A few weeks back (August 24th) in fact. Andy turned 25 months old and mastered the whining. He spent the majority of the previous 24 hours whining. Just whining. I could have given him away. I'm serious. You laugh. But, I'm serious.
I think he sensed my frustration. What? My mood was readable by all around me? Me? Not good at hiding my emotions? Not good at being "fake"? Me? Never. ahem.
Anyways... where was I? Oh Frustration. Yes, the brilliant child of mind sensed that he had to do something. Something to right this wrong. Some men send flowers. Some gravel. Some buy gifts. My little man? My little man PEE-PEED ON THE POTTY!!! Yep, you read right. He peed on the potty and never turned back. Not once. Not once.
The next day we got out the Elmo and Thomas and Lightning underpants and spent the day drinking fluids, peeing on the potty, and calling everyone who would listen to share our excitement. Andy WAS POTTY-TRAINED!!! A 25 month old BOY. "They" said it couldn't be done. I had my doubts as well, but in the bottom of the 9th he knocked it outta the park. It was definitely a "pee or get off the pot" type situation in our relationship.
The following morning him and Daddy did some lawn mowing. Apparently, he was on the potty, heard the lawn mower start up, and took off. He was so excited to help daddy he might have forgotten to pull up his underpants. Oh well, give him a break. He is new to this! ;-)
So, anyway... Andy is 25 months old. It seems like FOREVER since I have done an "Andy update" post. What is Andy up to besides relieving himself you ask? Honestly, I don't know. I'm so overwhelmed with that excitement and new found love for him that I can't think straight! NO really. Let's see...
I think the whining is 1. He is two, and 2. He is teething. Not sure which it is more, but I don't really care at this point. Why you ask? Well, because he is potty-trained!!!!
Since turning two, he learned to ride his strider bike. He is a make-believing fool. Loves puppy. Loves all things "Lightning/Mator". He is SMART. He has an arm like you wouldn't believe. He has a girlfriend (ha-ha). Loves Camping. Sleeps like a champ. Travels well. Loves swimming. Is a "Mommy's Boy". I could go on and on. But then no one would feel bad for me about the whining. What? You don't. Well... humph.