Sunday, September 25, 2011

Road Trip! Oregon Coast Aquarium

Awhile back, we headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium for the day. I had bought a Groupon for a cheap admission(s), and we needed to use it before the first part of October. It was hard - given our hectic fall schedule - but we found a Sunday to head down there.

It was a fun day. I can "take or leave" that Aquarium, but my kids love it. Andy is at the PERFECT age to take right now. I remember going when Abby was this age and she was adorable and just drank it all in. Same thing this day. Andy was just in awe of it all and Abby was excited to "show him around". It was fun. I guess that is about all I have to report on that one - guess, I'm not feeling "wordy" these days re: blogging! Which, some of you might appreciate... :)

We started at the Sea Otters and the Sea Lions. Abby was ALL about showing Andy around and being the big sister - it was pretty cute. He was just happy she was paying attention to her!

There were having so much fun together, they were willing to sit and pose for some pictures before heading off to the "Passages of the Deep" exhibit.

Andy LOVED this. It was pretty cute watching both of them check it all out...

Andy wasn't too sure about standing in the massive Shark Mouth - but he did it! :)

Quick stop at the kiddie play area... Funny to me how much fun two kids can have on basically rocks sitting in an empty flower bed. Strange.

We broke for lunch, hit the inside exhibits, and then left town before the rain started.

Fun Day. Cute Kids. Nice Weather. Score.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Run. Dani. Run.

At some point, I became a "runner". I have no idea how or even why really. But, I did. Some days - gasp - I'm even find myself really really liking it! I'm not going to say "love" because that is still WAY too strong of a word for it. When I think back to where I was a year ago, I smile. I'm proud. I want to run some more and see where I might be next year at this time.

Some days, however, you could NOT pay me to run. I still lack the motivation sometimes. Mostly when there is something better or fun to do. Which, honestly, is a lot. Thankfully, I have really awesome people like this that keep me going!

Sarah and I ran our first 10k together this last August. I kinda had to guilt her into doing it with me, but then it was her that was yelling at me (okay, nicely motivating me) at the end to keep going. It wasn't an easy race for me. It was at 1:30pm in the afternoon and it was a warm day. Not hot, but warm. But even on a warm day, the afternoon sun KILLS me. It wasn't the easiest of races for me. But, we did it. We did it in 1:08:13 (or something like that). I was proud of that and looked forward to do another. Why? I have no idea.

About 10 days after that I did the Warrior Dash. Honesly, I wasn't sold on the idea in the beginning, or even that a.m. But, as soon as it started I was excited. It was fun. It was relaxed. It was silly. Parts of it were hard and I have the bruises to show for it! It wasn't a race for speed (or at least for me) it was a race for bragging rights. I did it. I conquered the race. And, along the way, I had a bunch of fun with some really fun ladies! Thanks gals - I can't wait to do it again!!!

A week later, I had my second 10k. It was just me and my dead iPod. Needless to say, I had an opportunity to work on my pace and listen to my breathing. It was actually a good thing. I really enjoyed it and I got a GREAT time. Or at least a great time for me. I was really pleased with it!!! I finished somewhere around 1:06:20. The timing chip mat wasn't working at the start, so we were all at "gun" time. Which, since I'm SLOW, I start in the back. In this case, I sure wish I hadn't! Oh well, next year!

Here I am at the beginning of the race - don't I look thrilled to be running 6.2 miles at 9am? Oh well, it is the only photo I have.

My 2011 racing season is over now. Hopefully I will be able to maintain some sort of motivation over the winter and still have the desire to do a few more races come this spring! Although I might not do three within 2 1/2 weeks again! Until then. Keep telling me to run!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

And so it begins...

09/08/2011. The day my life changed forever. The day I became the Mommy to a "School -aged" Child. As I'm typing this post I find myself at a lack of words. What direction do I take with this post? Part of me is overwhelmed by the change. Part of me is excited. Part of me is sad. Part of me is in denial. But most of all, I am proud.

There is never a child that can touch your life so deeply as your first born, because with all their firsts, come your firsts. I'm also starting to realize that there is never a child that can touch your life so deeply as your last baby, because with all their firsts, come your lasts. As I'm sending one off to Kinder and another is leaving "babydom", I have never been more aware of this fact. My heart is currently in three pieces, and two of them are walking around outside of my body. Part of me wants to pull those pieces back in and hold them here, within these four walls, forever. The other part of me knows that they are amazing people and I need to share them with the world.

On 09/08/2011 I shared with the world - or at least the Hillsboro Public School System. :)

Every step of the way the past 5 years I have looked back and just been amazed, felt blessed, and enjoyed the feeling of my heart bursting with pride. Every time this happens to me I feel I will never feel this feeling again. I will never be as in love with her as I am in THIS moment. THIS happiness. Not true. Every time I reach a major milestone with Abby, I'm surprised by my level of love for her. Amazed by this wondrous child that I have been blessed with. This day was no different.

Here she is, my Kindergartner:

She was VERY excited and I feel it showed. I was so happy to capture these moments and faces!

We took a few more photos "for mommy". I needed to get in some cuddle time!!!

Then it was "off to school". We all piled in the car, kept our smiling face on, and headed to school. Here she is. Could she look anymore grown-up, yet so small, at the same time?

They filed us all into the cafeteria and we found the "K" table. There we sat - or stood rather - there we stood. And hovered. They didn't want us to leave, yet we had no purpose. We all chatted and smiled and laughed and introduced. We pretended that we totally knew what was going on and that we were totally okay with it. Ahem.

Finally, the principal dismissed all the classes one at a time. He waited until the very end to dismiss the Kinders. Then. Then that blessed, wonderful man asked us to escort the children to their classroom and get them settled. Thank the Lord - because I needed to leave her at a desk. A desk contained in a room with four walls and a door. I needed to know where she was going to be!

As we made that walk I was so proud. Abby was one of the few walking in line behind the teacher. Abby was walking with her class. She as not holding my hand. She was not pulling back. She was not fearful. At that moment I was VERY thankful for Preschool. She was READY. She could do this. More importantly, I could.

Abby found her cubby, unpacked her backpack, found her table, and was seated at her chair before Travis and I (bringing up the rear) even made it into the classroom. She was ready.

I could do this. I really could. I could totally leave her in this room. She was excited. It was very similar to Preschool. It was fine.

Then it happened. I leaned over to give her a kiss good-bye.
Me: "I love you honey. Have a great day, and Daddy will be here to pick you up at the end."
Abby: "But Mommy, Rachel is riding the bus home. Can I ride the bus home?".
Me: PANIC!!!!

I was NOT prepared for that. But, I WILL say, I handled it well - I think. Actually, I have no idea. It was all a blur. I will spare you the blow by blow of changing the "transportation plan" at the last minute. But, needless to say. She rode the bus home!!!

Here she comes:

Here she is acting all silly because we are ALL there to greet her.

Here is the money shot - and of course it is blurry - errr!

And here she is all acting cool and jumping off of the bus.

Then she fell in the street. It was awesome. Mostly because it made me laugh on the inside. I was a good enough mommy I didn't laugh out loud (this time).

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Raised by Wolves???

On first glance, the title of this blog will make no sense. Bear with me. Or is it "bare"? I always forget. No, that means naked. Please read this fully clothed!

Sorry. I digress. Anyway...

Labor Day Weekend we were invited by the Lewis Family to join them at Great Wolf Lodge. We are not ones to miss a chance to 1. Head to GWL or 2. Hang with the Lewis Family. So, we headed up that way...

Our first stop was at Aunt Megan's house for some Brown Family Fun. We got to see Megan and her Family, Russ and Helen, Mike and Jordan, and Cousin Jessica even made the trek from Hood River to come up and join in the fun!

The kids had a great time playing in the back yard and the adults had a really good time catching up and eating and drinking and eating and drinking and laughing. You get the point...

Here are a few photos I captured of the evening. Cute kids - if I do so say so myself!!!

Andy soon (well not really it was after 8pm) tired of all the fun and decided to cuddle on the couch w/Jordan and watch some Football. She was nice and let him believe it was a Beaver Game even though it was the Seahawks.

Cousin Jess and us stayed the night there and we attempted to get some cousin photos the next morning. Not as good as last year. Better than the year before. At least they were all in the same place and looking?

They did liven up a little when I let them make "crazy faces". All I have to say is 1. Lorenz better hope they don't ask Aunt Dani to provide the Sr. Class slide show picture for him, and 2. Andy was adorable. He had no idea what they were doing, but eventually caught on - see bottom right photo - priceless!

The adult cousins were a little more cooperative. But, they did give me a little bit of lip as well! ;)

Our final attempt at a family photo. Again. Everyone in the same place. Someday they will all thank me for making them take these photos. Or at least they had better! :-)

After a fun-filled time at the Lotuaco Home, we headed to GWL. I honestly don't have a lot to report on this one. We went. It was awesome - probably one of my favorite trips there. But, we didn't really take any photos.

Abby was finally tall enough to go on the "Howling Tornado", or as she calls it, "The Corn-nado". It really was too cute to correct. Her and her friend Kaitlyn were a really good match-up. They both were tall enough to go on all the rides and they even went down some of them sans parentals!!! Big step, but they had so much fun being granted that privilege!

Andy was a trooper - like always. If he was tired, he found a towel, a chair, and took a nap. It was super cute.

Us in our "ears". Andy was a "howling" fool.

So, that is is. Nothing too exciting to report. But at least now you get the "wolf" tie in, right?
The kids were acting crazy for pictures and then we went to GWL. See? Clever. Right?
Oh well...
I tried...