Shots Suck. Really Suck. Just ask Abby! Last year they said "No Shots until your Kindergarten Boosters". Well, they failed to tell me that they do those starting at FOUR, not FIVE. Miss-leading to say the least. Oh well... I WAS smart enough to not tell Abby this tidbit - just in case. But, I didn't have time to prepare her for them ahead of time. Which, she usually does just fine when I did this winter. In fact, one time, the office was running late and I thought we were going to have to come another day to get her H1N1 booster and she started crying "But, I wanted my shot today" - huh? Anyways....
Took the kids in for their check-ups today. Both are healthy and happy and perfect as far as our Dr. is concerned.
Abby is still off of the chart in both height (44") and weight (shocker), but perfectly proportional - whew. She also answered all the Doctor's questions re: strangers, nutrition, and habits wonderfully. She did in fact answer most by herself - which the doctor was most impressed w/her. "She's a smart one - very advanced for her age." (awe, shucks...)
Side note: Today she says "Mommy... B-E-A-R spells Bear, right?". Yep. Sure does - Harvard here we come! :)
Andy is in the 75-80 percentile on both height (31") and weight (24lbs 5oz). Head. Well, his head is still big. Must be all those brains! :) He is "above average" on most of his learning milestones. Ex. they need two words by ONE. He has about 6-8. So, we are good. Other than that, there isn't much to report on him. Seems like he is still going to the Doctor every five minutes at this age - unlike Abby that is down to once a year now. So, most of the appointment was centered around her - which of course, she ate up!
Abby had to get FIVE shots and Andy needed FOUR. It was a HIGH DRAMA morning in our house. We got home by 11:15 and *I* was already exhausted for the day! Apparently Andy was to - he preceded to sleep for the next 3 HOURS while Abby nursed her arm on the couch watching PBS.
Good news? I got a TON done today!
Until next time... We are Healthy, Happy, and Loved!
1 month ago
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