Staying two nights was nice. No rush, had our room to go back to the second day, and just more relaxing overall.
Andy was old enough to walk around and actually have some fun! Last time we were there (March 2010), he did enjoy the kiddie area some, but he wasn't walking yet, so he was very limited and one of us was always "stuck" holding him for a lack of a better word!
The Bex Family joined us this time. Laci is one of Abby's PS Friends from last year actually. Laci has now gone off to another school (sad), but the girls have both told us that they are BEST friends. So, April and I have been trying to keep them in touch and coordinate play dates as often as our schedules allow. Wasn't it a nice surprise when they decided to join us for the mini vaca!?!?! They have three kids: Marshall (3), Laci (5), and Bryn (16 months). Our kids match up well, and it is always so cute to watch them interact.
None of my pictures turned out great - the lighting in there is not that 'camera friendly' and let's face it - it is wet in there, so you don't want your camera out a ton to actually attempt to get the best shots! But, I did get a lot of shots and you will get the point!
Here are some shots of Andy and Bryn the first day. They found the pool w/the Balls in it and they were in HEAVEN. They sat on that little stump and played catch w/me for a quite awhile! Until Andy fell off - head first - he was done! :)
Abby and Laci are VERY cute together. They hug, they squeal, they hold hands, they whisper in each others ears, it is cute. Here are some photos of them in the pool and coming off of various rides w/their mommies - we are cool moms dang it! :)
Trav spent A LOT of time sliding. I mean A LOT. ALL the kids loved the slide and I swear they spent at least 50% of their time on this slide! Trav was a good sport and slid - about 150 times - in the three days we were there.
Andy and Bryn are CUTE. That is the best I can do to describe them. April and I commented multiple times about how cute they were and how they interacted w/each other. It was like they KNEW that they "belonged together" for a lack of a better term. They would wander around, but always check in with each other, follow each other round, and just reach out and touch each other as if to say "Hey, I know we are supposed to keep an eye on each other. I'm going to wander off here, but I will be back in a few to check in". Like, seriously... it was really cute!
And, of course is there anything cuter than two little babies, wrapped in towels, sharing a snack and water? I don't think so!
They both walked around in the 18" pool like they owned the joint. They would take off to that play structure, climb the stairs (even though they couldn't see their feet and it is apparently HARD to climb stairs when you are 15/16M old and can't see your feet), wander around the play structure, pull the knobs to squirt water, twirl the knobs, etc. Then, all of the sudden they would walk over to the top of the slide and want to go. There was no rhyme or reason to it. One, or both of them would just decide and then go to the top and wait for someone to go w/them or catch them at the bottom. It was so funny. At first I thought it was because they were bored and wanted down. But no... They would immediately take off around the slide and head up the stairs again!
Abby and Laci spent some time going on a "Magic Quest" around the hotel while the little kids (um, and me) had a nap/quiet time back in the room. They are so cute!
Then there was story time. Abby could NOT wait to take Laci to Story Time the first night we were there. I mean, seriously... she asked me no less than 5 times if she could go and if Laci was allowed to go as well. I have NO IDEA what the draw is, but apparently it is cool when you are four! She even had to take Uncle Austy to check it out the second night!
Here are some photos of the girls, and moms. We had a great time having our buddies there w/us! Oh, and NO - April and I DID NOT plan that... But, we have discovered that 1) we shop at the same places, and 2) we have similar taste in clothes! This is the 5th or 6th thing that we have discovered that either we, or the girls, have the same of!
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