Thursday, January 20, 2011

Andy - 18 Months Old (Almost)

Okay, so these pictures are from the 18th and 20th of January. So, I hope to have a good Jan. 24th shot to post up here - eventually... But, he needed an update anyways - after all, I had cute pictures to share!

Not too much is new with the Little Man this month. He got his third molar (Dec. 30th) and the last one is HANGING on, or in. It just won't come thru. Not sure what that is about almost a month later. But, I'm sure it will show up - eventually.

He is saying more and more words and phrases - "Tank U Mama" is my personal favorite. He is also going thru a total "Mama" phase - even his best mommy friends won't cut it right now. A little annoying, and frustrating - But heartwarming as well!

He is at that "shoe" stage. The one that requires him to carry them around, try them on, and then walk, fall down, and get mad. It is cute. A little tiring putting them back on him all the time (because he almost immediately walks out of them), but cute nonetheless!

Funny thing was we were looking at Abby's scrapbook the other day from when she was the same age (Jan. 2008) and we had pictures of her walking around in my slippers. Andy has moved onto my jogging shoes - I guess a sign of how my leisurely habits have changed in 3 years! :)

And yes... he is starting to get a mullet - but I just keep waiting for it to curl up like Abby's did... and waiting... and waiting... Boo.

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