Friday, March 18, 2011

Preschool Pet Day

The last day before Spring Break was "Pet Day" at Preschool. They do an entire section on "pets" leading up to this. Both last year, and this one, Abby was pretty excited to go and show off an animal at school. Last year Angel was the lucky one that got to go to Pet Day. Everyone else brought either a Lab or a stuffed animal. I heard it was quite the "little zoo" and the parents had a fun time keeping everyone happy and alive and separated.

This year, she was SET on bringing Poppy. She also wanted ME to do Pet Day (Daddy did it last year). Yippee, I was SO excited - ahem. Poppy and Me (full of excitement mind you) headed to Pet Day at PS. I had all these visions of being there for HOURS - of listening to Poppy howl at all the Dogs there. But, I went. I did it for my daughter. I'm a good mom. Really. Just ask me...

Well, we got there only to find out that Poppy was the ONLY live animal there! Couple thoughts went thru my head:

1. Why the heck am I here with a CAT then if no one else is here to share my misery!?!?
2. Did I not get the memo to bring a STUFFED animal this year?
3. OH! I might get out of here fast if I'm the only one - woohoo!

Turns out that some people were not in class (Friday before spring break), others didn't want to bring their dog AGAIN because one year of that was enough, and I guess Mrs. Nelson made it VERY known that it was "ok" just go bring a picture of your animal or a stuffed animal.

BUT, I will say this. Poppy was a HIT because she was the only live animal there. Abby and her were superstars and did great! Here we are (with our assistant Andy)

Michael was next. He has a stuffed Frog named Froggie (duh). While Miss Amie and I watched Michael, I caught Andy trying to let Poppy out of the cage. That little booger!

After Abby and Michael took their turns, Miss Amie and I ducked out and spent the rest of the PS time having Coffee at Starbucks. Best pet day ever! Heehee.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Get that boy a haircut!!!

Okay, Okay, Okay. I got it done. We got Andy a Haircut. St. Patrick's Day was a big day for us, or shall I say Andy. We started off the day trying to find something green to wear. Who knew that would be the most difficult thing of the day? Heehee! :)

We took the kids to the dentist first - Andy's first trip. He did GREAT! We had Abby go first (perfect report by the way) and Andy was all excited to sit in the chair next and watch the TV on the ceiling. He was so advanced for his age - they don't even sit in the chair on the first visit...

After he was done playing in the chair they had him lay across mom and Dr. Carloyn's laps so I could hold him and she can look at him easier. So, needless to say. He will be ready when it is time to graduate to the Big Boy Chair! He also got a good report on his teeth.

After the teeth appointment, we headed over to "Pigtails and Crew Cuts" to tame his wild hairdo. He was AMAZING. Not one tear. Not one "no". Nothing. Nada. He occasionally winced, or looked perturbed. But nothing exciting to report - woohoo!

He sat there like such a big boy and watched the TV. It was hard for ME to watch. My baby was getting his baby hair cut off. I almost teared up. I'm not kidding. Getting him out of bed after nap, and checking out the hairdo because of, is one of the highlights of my day. I will definitely miss that!

And, I mean really - are you old enough to get your hair cut if your feet don't even reach the pedals on the little kiddy car?

Just like that, his long, fuzzy locks were gone - gone I tell you! Did I mention it was hard for me?

We did get over it long enough to laugh at him a little:

Are you ready? Dun, Dun, Dun.... Here is the new streamlined Andy!!!

What a handsome little man! Could he BE any cuter? I think not!

They said next time they will try clippers because he did so good this time. Stay tuned. Maybe the next haircut post will be more exciting! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Abby's Activities

The week before Spring Break was a busy one for Abby. Lots of classes and activities were wrapping up and we got to go watch her show her stuff! :)

On Monday evening, we got to go and watch her perform as a "Squirrel" in her "Story Theater" class. It was a six week class geared toward imagination, role playing, etc. Abby and her Friend Laci took it together and were cast as Trees and Squirrels in the open scene of another "big kid" play that evening.

It is really hard to explain, but they were cute little squirrels - they really were! Here are some pictures from their last class and also the show later that evening that we got to watch.

Marshall and Andy weren't all that impressed with the entire experience. But, they took some cute pictures at least:

In-between the class and the performance, we went out to dinner w/the Bex Family. Andy and Brynn shared a romantic dinner for Salsa, Beans, Rice, and Chips - Heavy on the Salsa and Chips! Afterwards, Andy made his 'move' at the Theater as the lights were going down...

They were totally distracting to us, and bored themselves w/the performance. So, they ended up going out into the lobby to cause havoc.

Tuesday that week Abby had gym class. I didn't take many photos at all, but I did capture Abby mastering a "Backward Rolls" down the wedge mat. She has been working hard on it, and practicing at home off of my ottoman. So, I'm glad I was able to document it!

Wednesday Abby's PS class took a Field Trip to the Firehouse - soooo cool. They got to ride the Max down to the Hillsboro Downtown Firestation. Get the tour, have a snack, and head back on the train. We had 15 kids and 14 adults. I personally enjoyed the ratio. We were a huge group, but there wasn't much worry about losing anyone!

Here are Abby and her buddies waiting for the Max Train to come:

Getting the tour of the Firehouse and their living quarters:

Down in the Garage. I took a picture of each kid as they came out of the Fire Truck for their Scrapbook at PS. As Abby came out, I said "Abby, show me what a Firefighter Princess looks like". This is the pose I got - heehee.

At the end of the tour they had one of the Firefighters try on the entire outfit and breath thru the air mask and everything. That way the kids could see what it would look/sound like if a Firefighter ever had to come into their house. I thought it was a GREAT idea. One, *I* would never have thought of. But, it was amazing how timid the kids came when he came out. They were definitely a little scared of approaching him. So, what a great learning experience for them to have. Who says kids don't need PS? :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Artistic Andy - March 2011

Here you go - the most recent installment of "Artistic Andy" photos:

As he gets older, and does these classes more, he has actually been PAINTING more, and TASTING less. But, don't worry, he still quality checks it occasionally...

This class the branched out and also did some glue-sticking. Who says he isn't ready for PS in the Fall? Not me!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Maddy's 3rd Birthday

Little Miss Maddy turned 3 years old March 16th. I remember when this little gem was born, and BOY does time fly. Seems like just yesterday I was holding her just moments after her birth!

And, before you know it, you are attending her 3rd Birthday - just like that!!! All the sudden tiny little diapers and toes and binkies are forgotten and you are negotiating Mermaids and Blue Icing!

The party was at AC Gilbert House in Salem - he invented the Erector Set (as per wikipedia Dad - heehee - inside joke). Even though it was raining, the kids found PLENTY of stuff to do, play, and eat! It is Salem's version of the Children's Museum, but homier. It was a very cool place to have a birthday!

Maddy got some GREAT presents and I got to play with my camera and try to get some great photos as well. Which was good because after my race, all I wanted to do was stay in once spot and take pictures - Heehee.

Abrie, Maddy, and Abby are turning into such big girls - and just so sweet/cute together. Every time we see them together we can't help to look at them and see them at a sweet 16 party a few years down the rode. Can't wait to pull out these photos and show them how cute they always were together!

The "little guys" had a good time as well. Jordan, Griffin, and Raven have now joined Andy as "the little guys". The next generation of cuties and trouble makers. Watch out - if Andy is the ring leader (oldest), we are in trouble!

One final photo. Because it is SO cute and my new cool camera took it. I just love it. Look at those curls!!!!

Shamrock Run 2011

So, I did it. I ran a race. Something I said I would never do. I did. I'm not sure why I did it actually. Well, that isn't true. I know why...

This summer I set a goal to lose 35 lbs - the rest of my baby weight. I accomplished that this fall - around the first of November I believe. So, feeling pretty good about myself and knowing I could do more, I decided to lose another 5 or so and get down to my Wedding Weight. Then, well then the holidays hit. I didn't lose ground, but I wasn't losing weight - I was losing motivation. I was happy with where I was. I was never going to be a tiny size 6 person. I was healthier, I had more energy. I was talking myself into quiting. That last 5 wasn't going to come off.

Well, then Miss April came along. I really believe things, and people, and events happen for a reason and come to you when they need to. April asked me to do the Shamrock 8K with her. 8K!?!?! Aack. Like she couldn't do the 5K? Nope, she was stuck on the 8K. So, I decided to do it and I figured the worse that could happen was I would have to walk the last 1/2 of it.

Then a week or two later I just decided to go for it. Start training and focus on running that 4.97 miles without walking. Try to get my time under 12 minutes per mile and just focus on that. Forget that last 5 pounds. Just train.

Well, I did it. I lost TEN more lbs in that 8 weeks of training and I could run 5 miles around my neighborhood w/out dying. I was pretty proud of myself. I wasn't looking forward to the early morning race, and actually running 5 miles that day, but I was pretty excited to see my hard work pay off.

The Shamrock Run was this last weekend and we all piled in the car and headed downtown WAY too early in the morning (did it really have to be daylight savings!?!?!). Oh, and did I mention I had a head cold too? It wasn't the best of circumstances, but don't we look happy to be there?

At the last moment, we decided to sign Abby and Laci up for the Leprechaun Lap 1K. Abby had taken a sudden interest in my running and, along w/a new Nike purchase for Disney, she had even started running with me around the neighborhood. She would jog the block around my house with me, as I warmed up, and then I would head off on my run while she joined Daddy at the park. She was also set on coming downtown w/Trav and watching my race. She wanted to see Mommy run.

Most of these races have a "Kids run/walk" of some sort. I got online and looked, but the Shamrock Run had sold out. Oh well, next time. Well, then I was reading more and I saw that they were going to open up registration again the Monday before the race and let 500 more people register and all the proceeds would go to Dornbecher Children's Hospital.

Trav and I talked and just thought it was a great teaching thing. She would be active, she would see me set a goal and achieve it, it was one of those "good role model" moments. We decided it was a good cause, and a good activity and signed her up.

So here are Laci and Abby before their race.

Here they are running it and at the finish.

Then, it was time for April and I's race to start. The girls and Trav kept busy for the next hour while we raced.

And then they waited and were there to greet us when we crossed the finish!

Here we are. We finished!

I ran my 4.97 miles in 58:20 at a pace of 11:45/mile - or something like that. I was happy with it. I wish I would have done better on the big slope thru downtown (I had to stop and walk for about a minute), but there is always next time - Something I NEVER thought I would say!

Here is the route we took. Not that you care, but I wanted to keep it!

I wouldn't have done this with out April pushing me. I wouldn't have signed up, I wouldn't have lost that last 10 lbs, and I wouldn't have done as well on race day that I actually did. So, thank you April! You read my blog, so I know you will see this. I can't thank you enough for your friendship and encouragement during the last few months! Excited to keep running with you!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Michael's Pizza Rat Party!!!

March 11th was Michael's 5th Birthday - woohoo! AND, his party the next day was at Chuck E Cheese - woohoo! Not. I was NOT looking forward to spending my Saturday at Pizza Rat. But, tis the things we do for the ones that we love. And, we do love Michael. He is one of Abby's BEST friends and we could NOT miss it!

How does a 4 1/2 year old prepare for such excitement you ask? Well, we start with Make-up of course! We have to impress the Birthday Boy after all!

Abby got all prettied up to go to the party. She just KNEW Michael was going to love her make-up. And, her foot? Well not sure about that one. She just wanted me to take a picture of her foot. So, I did. It is a lovely foot.

Sadly (luckily) we had to make a quick stop at swimming lessons before the party. So, we weren't really sure if the make-up was water proof. It appears to be holding it's own here:

After swimming, and a good face scrub in the shower by mommy, we headed off to Pizza Rat - Happy Birthday Michael!!!!

This was Andy's first trip to Pizza Rat as a "kid" out of the stroller/car seat. Him and Wyatt were not to sure...

Andy: "I don't get it. Do you?"

Wyatt: "Nope. Nada. We are just going in a circle. Why?"

Andy: "I have no clue. But, they are smiling, and laughing, and clapping, and saying "Wheeee". Just go with it. We will be done soon."

Wyatt: "Okay. Good call."

Andy: "The Big Kids seem to be enjoying themselves. There must be something to it?"

Yeah, He still don't get it.

Trav: "Okay Andy. Here is the deal. You get money. You put them money in the machine and they let you play with balls and hit things. Then, they reward you with money that you can buy suckers with."

Andy: "WAIT a minute. I get to beat on stuff AND get suckers? I'm IN."

Andy: "Wait!!!! Now we have to stop and watch some big Rat sing to Michael? Why? I like the balls and suckers."

Trav: "Well, the big kids like it."

Andy: "Yeah, I don't get it."

Greg: " You aren't the only one Andy. You aren't the only one."

After party time, Andy and the big kids found a Basketball Machine and all were happy again...

Abby made a TON of baskets, BTW.

Then we put him on another ride.

Yep, he still doesn't quite get it. Don't think we will be having Andy's Birthday at Pizza Rat this year. Oh Darn.

Ear Infections - and other stuff...

So, Andy got ANOTHER ear infection. Drives me crazy. Cold, Teeth, Ear Infection. Cold, Teeth, Ear Infection. Seems to be our routine the last few months. I'm ready for it to be done. Really. I'm ready.

He got a cold the end of February. It came. It went. It came back. Teething decided to join in the fun. By the first part of March I was just waiting for the fever and grumpiness and none sleeping to start. I wasn't disappointed. By the first week in March, we had an Ear Infection.

There is ONE good thing about him being sick. Just one. He is a cuddle bug. Here he is with his "Miss Meghan" the day he went to the doctor. Just snuggled all in eating chips and popcorn, nursing a juice cup, and watching Elmo. Thank goodness for her that day. She just snuggled with him so I could get some other stuff done. Then it was time to spend my evening at the doctor's office and the pharmacy. Fun. Not.

Abby was sad. Poor Abby had to feed herself her own snack. Look how lonely and rejected she can look. This girl as a career on stage if she so desires!

The next morning. Still lacking energy. But, Poppy was there to comfort him.

Abby tried her hand at some more picture taking:

The second day. I would say the "not sleeping due to ear pain" caught up with him:

By Saturday (the third day) he was back to his silly self:

And ready to take on swimming lessons:

Andy and Daddy at the pool that Saturday: