Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shamrock Run 2011

So, I did it. I ran a race. Something I said I would never do. I did. I'm not sure why I did it actually. Well, that isn't true. I know why...

This summer I set a goal to lose 35 lbs - the rest of my baby weight. I accomplished that this fall - around the first of November I believe. So, feeling pretty good about myself and knowing I could do more, I decided to lose another 5 or so and get down to my Wedding Weight. Then, well then the holidays hit. I didn't lose ground, but I wasn't losing weight - I was losing motivation. I was happy with where I was. I was never going to be a tiny size 6 person. I was healthier, I had more energy. I was talking myself into quiting. That last 5 wasn't going to come off.

Well, then Miss April came along. I really believe things, and people, and events happen for a reason and come to you when they need to. April asked me to do the Shamrock 8K with her. 8K!?!?! Aack. Like she couldn't do the 5K? Nope, she was stuck on the 8K. So, I decided to do it and I figured the worse that could happen was I would have to walk the last 1/2 of it.

Then a week or two later I just decided to go for it. Start training and focus on running that 4.97 miles without walking. Try to get my time under 12 minutes per mile and just focus on that. Forget that last 5 pounds. Just train.

Well, I did it. I lost TEN more lbs in that 8 weeks of training and I could run 5 miles around my neighborhood w/out dying. I was pretty proud of myself. I wasn't looking forward to the early morning race, and actually running 5 miles that day, but I was pretty excited to see my hard work pay off.

The Shamrock Run was this last weekend and we all piled in the car and headed downtown WAY too early in the morning (did it really have to be daylight savings!?!?!). Oh, and did I mention I had a head cold too? It wasn't the best of circumstances, but don't we look happy to be there?

At the last moment, we decided to sign Abby and Laci up for the Leprechaun Lap 1K. Abby had taken a sudden interest in my running and, along w/a new Nike purchase for Disney, she had even started running with me around the neighborhood. She would jog the block around my house with me, as I warmed up, and then I would head off on my run while she joined Daddy at the park. She was also set on coming downtown w/Trav and watching my race. She wanted to see Mommy run.

Most of these races have a "Kids run/walk" of some sort. I got online and looked, but the Shamrock Run had sold out. Oh well, next time. Well, then I was reading more and I saw that they were going to open up registration again the Monday before the race and let 500 more people register and all the proceeds would go to Dornbecher Children's Hospital.

Trav and I talked and just thought it was a great teaching thing. She would be active, she would see me set a goal and achieve it, it was one of those "good role model" moments. We decided it was a good cause, and a good activity and signed her up.

So here are Laci and Abby before their race.

Here they are running it and at the finish.

Then, it was time for April and I's race to start. The girls and Trav kept busy for the next hour while we raced.

And then they waited and were there to greet us when we crossed the finish!

Here we are. We finished!

I ran my 4.97 miles in 58:20 at a pace of 11:45/mile - or something like that. I was happy with it. I wish I would have done better on the big slope thru downtown (I had to stop and walk for about a minute), but there is always next time - Something I NEVER thought I would say!

Here is the route we took. Not that you care, but I wanted to keep it!

I wouldn't have done this with out April pushing me. I wouldn't have signed up, I wouldn't have lost that last 10 lbs, and I wouldn't have done as well on race day that I actually did. So, thank you April! You read my blog, so I know you will see this. I can't thank you enough for your friendship and encouragement during the last few months! Excited to keep running with you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you're too sweet! You have been doing such a great job and you are looking fabulous! I had a great time running with you and I greatly look forward to our next race together! Now if we can just get you to clear up that schedule for June 11!
