Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Family Photos

Trav and I have a tradition of spending each of the kids' birthdays with just them. We take them for birthday photos, lunch, and then an activity of their choice. It is fun and we are really glad we started that tradition. It is a great opportunity to spend some time focusing on JUST them and to reflect on how much they have grown in the last year. The only drawback to it, is that we don't get family photos done at the same time - because we only have one kid with us at each time and I think that might be weird...

Oh well, we can work around it. We decided we would just go again at some point in August and get family photos done. So, a week before Halloween (heehee) we went in and got them done! I was really happy with them!

And the bonus to getting them done in October is that they could show off their costumes as well:

The next week Abby had her school photo done:

Then, a few days later, the gal at JCP suckered me into coming back for a free sitting in order for them to help train their new photographers. It was painfully slow (and a little embarrassing for me), but Abby and I had a GREAT time just hanging out and being silly. Abby was just glowing with the excitement that Mommy dressed up with her this year.

Anyways, lots of photo shoots within one week of time. But, really... Knowing me. Is that really that suprising? Didn't think so...

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