Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Artistic Andy

Trav and I keep thinking that Andy is going to be our "Artistic" child. He loves to sing, dance, and explore. More so than I remember Abby doing. More so then regular I think. He is boogie-ing all the time! So, I figured he would be the one that loved art class. Well, that is where my theory ran dry... for awhile!

First class - love it! Clapped, ate paint, etc. Not a ton of "painting" per say, but he had fun.
2nd Class - bored. Now, he was tired and it was nap time. But, he just didn't get excited.
3rd Class was this last week...

Started out about the same as the 2nd class. He was just sitting there, staring. Looking the others, tasting the brushes. Looked at me like I was insane when I tried to show him how to put the brush ON the paper. Balls didn't even work - now balls are Andy's crack at the moment. He didn't care. Bored...

Then, then he discovered that HE could touch the paint. Screw this "brush and ball" idea. I'm going to paint ON myself WITH myself! That was the ticket. He took off! Literally. I spent the rest of the class chasing after him and trying to keep him on the plastic.

He clapped and splattered, he used his feet, he used his diaper, he used EVERYTHING. It was pretty cute...

Here is his masterpiece... I took a piece of white paper and put it on the plastic to transfer it so I had something to bring home! But, the picture is basically all I have of the class, but that is okay - he totally enjoyed himself! :)

So basically now we realize that we have an artistic child that walks to the beat of his own drum... oh lord help us...

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