Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lunch on a Stick!

We took the kids to the Washington County Fair for "Lunch on a Stick" this year. Always fun, always expensive (seriously $4 for a Corn on the Cob!?!?!), and the highlight for me is always the "Dairy Womens Booth" - we can't get there fast enough as far as I'm concerned!

I remember LOVING the Fair as a Kid, but we had a FAIR - the STATE FAIR. I just can't get into the Washington County Fair. But, hey... it is close to our house, it is free (to get in), and it has a Dairy Womens Booth. So, we go... We eat Lunch on a Stick...

Abby ALWAYS enjoys the "Kid Play Area" (and it is FREE). She hasn't figured out the bigger, more expensive rides - shhhh don't tell.

It warmed my heart this year to watch little Andy crawling around w/his big sister. I love the pictures I'm starting to get of them "playing together". I realize that it was the moments like this that everyone thought I needed two kids - and I'm glad I caved! :)

Later that evening... Andy enjoyed the wonders of Raviolis and now all the sudden Abby likes them again becuase Andy was getting so into it. It must be fun then right? She asked for them again the next evening - score. Next stop pizza? We will see...

These bottom pictures are just some that Trav shot even later that day (big picture day for us). He was just so cute... putting stuff in the house like sister. Monkey see, Monkey do!

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