Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Artistic Andy

Up until now, Andy has been taking the "Itty Bitty Messy Art" Class. I try to do one about once a month. There wasn't one in December - or at least not one that worked schedule wise. So, I signed him up for "Wee One Art Start" this month. Apparently, he has graduated from finger paint, on the floor, and naked. We now sit at a table, use brushes, leave his clothes on (eek), and put on an apron.

Now, I will admit... I was a little apprehensive. Andy? Andy on the other hand was excited to try something new. This photo says it all!

Still not a lot of art being done. But, the paint was quality tested - yet again.

And, let's face it. He looked pretty darn cute rocking the apron!


  1. Oh my gosh! These pictures are priceless...were they supposed to eat the paint? Your little guy is so cute!

  2. No Julie - eating of the paint was NOT part of the class - unless you asked Andy! :)
