Monday, December 20, 2010

Contreras Christmas

Have I mentioned we love the Contreras Family?!?!? Amy knows me so well that she invited Abby over for a Gingerbread House Making play date. I say she knows me so well because she knows that this is totally NOT my comfort level or talent, but that I would want to let Abby do it - as long as it wasn't in my house!

Anyways, Amy bought a "Gingerbread Town" kit. Each kid got a different building out of the box and we went to work. She will attest that at first I wasn't sure. But, I got into it once I just breathed deep and realized 1. not my house, 2. Abby was loving it, and 3. I just needed to enjoy it! It turned out to be a great time and I'm so thankful for friends like Amy that help balance me out and ask me to try new things once in awhile. Because although I know it is good for me, it isn't easy! :)

The kids shared GREAT, they had FUN, and they made some BEAUTIFUL creations. What a fun way to start of the Christmas week!!!

I can't believe I got all four of them to smile!

Andy and Andrew you ask? Well, Andy wasn't impressed and he decided he needed to eat lunch during that time. So, no pictures of him.

Little Andrew supervised....

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