Wednesday, December 22, 2010

War and Peace

Abby and Andy are figuring out this sibling thing. They are learning the dance of "I love you until I hate you". One moment they are playing together as cute and can be, the next they are screaming, hitting, biting, etc. It is cute - sometimes. Other times it is SO tiring. The last week or so it has been in "cute" mode. Is it because they know Santa is on the way? Did they get it all figured out and the worst is behind me? No, I'm sure it is Santa.

Andy is starting to understand more and more direction - Abby's dream. And, Andy is figuring out that if he listens to her, and follows her lead, she will play with him - Andy's dream. I can't even think of a good example right now. But, they will disappear up the stairs and be "playing" in her room. Now, I don't know what he can do that she considers playing (I just know it involves a lot of jumping, bouncing, and pillows on the floor), but it makes me happy that they are starting to play together like kids. It keeps them both entertained and me a little saner. Some days.

Here is a picture from last week (Day #1 of needing glasses). Poppy and Andy were playing on the floor together and Abby decided she needed to hug/tackle him. Luckily, he found it funny - so, all was good.

Also this last week or so she has started "reading" to him. For the most part, she just has the books memorized because he requires the same three books to be read about 42 times a day. But, I love that she loves him enough to do this for him. So precious.... And, it buys me 5 minutes of NOT reading this same book - again.

On Wednesday Abby spent about 3 hrs (I'm not kidding) playing w/her new cake toy from the Cea Family. It was their Christmas Gift to her and she LOVES it. It makes a lovely addition to her tea party dishes and apparently, anytime is a good time for cake!

Again, it was so cute to watch them playing tea party. He really had no idea why playing w/empty dishes was fun - "Um, where is the food mommy?" But, he was game!

Now, for a little side story. Andy's cute new trick you ask? Well, he started saying "cheese" for the camera the last couple of weeks. He is actually pretty reliable about it now. But, just this week, when I was taking these pictures he started saying "I See" after I took the photo. He says "cheese" when he sees the camera and then "I see" after I take the picture. Meaning "I want to see the picture". So, I show him the picture and he lets me do it again. Cute. So cute to hear him say "Cheeeeeeese" and then "I see?" Really. Cute. Wait until you hear it.

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