Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Artistic Andy

Andy had art class again this last week. Nothing to different this time, but it is always fun to take pictures and report to those that don't get to see it first hand.

This time he had NO interest in the paper what so ever. He did have an interest in eating it though... Luckily, he had his binky in though, so that detered him from actually eating it - at first! Then he took out the binky and it was all over. It is hard to see in the pictures, but if you look closely, you can see that he has a little "Paint Gotee" going on. It was literally DRIPPING off of his chin. He got SO much of it up in his nose and in his mouth it was hysterical.

My absolute FAVORITE moment though was when he noticed that there was some paint on his big toe. Oops - must get that off before it goes to waste!

This was towards int he end of the class. I love the look he gives the camera. "Can you just leave me in peace to eat my paint? Why do you insist on putting this white paper crap infront of me?"

"Fine. I will paint - some. Now, leave me alone."

Andy Update - Sept.

What is up w/Andy you ask? Well let's see...

He turned 14 months old 09/24.

He is walking - fast!!!

He is the proud owner of SIX teeth and is STILL working on somemore.

If he is in the right mood, he will raise his hands up over his head and say "touchdown". Yes, he does... I swear. I have witnesses.

He LOVES watching Football - especially w/his Papa. He has discovered that it is acceptable to yell at the TV and cheer when FB is on. So, he takes FULL advantage of that. We don't know what he is saying, but he is cheering.

He LOVES to drop Abby off at PS on Fridays - they have a train table!!!! He walks around the joint like he owns it and tries to play w/all the big kids. Him and his little buddy Wyatt are pretty darn cute - they trot around checking everything/one out.

His obsession w/all things "car" is definately in full swing - second only to Trains. But, I think that is becuase he still thinks they are on in the same.

He has transitioned to just one, THREE HOUR, nap a day. Mommy thinks it is GREAT, but it does nothing for his hairdo (see below).

His G.I. Issues are still an issue. We go into see a specialist the 13th of Oct. We will, hopefully, know more then!
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Daddy/Daughter Camp Out

Abby and Trav went on a "Daddy/Daughter" Campout w/our friend Matt and his girls. I actually don't know a lot about it since I wasn't there - hence the name. But, she had a great time as per her. And it looked like she told the truth as per the pictures!

They got to roast marshmallows, watch the new Tinkerbell movie under the stars, play on a trampoline and a big playstructure, swing on swings, and various other things I'm sure I'm forgetting!

They got a pancake breakfast the next a.m. and then came on home after saying good-bye to their new friends...

They had a GREAT time - Thanks to Matt and his Girls!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Andy: Baby Gym!!!

Andy started "Baby Gym" today! He was so cute for so many reasons.
1. He is just cute - let's just all face it.
2. It took me back to some of Abby's first classes and SHE was so cute as well... sigh...
3. It was HILARIOUS watching Trav try and keep him on task - SO NOT like Abby!

My Favorite part of the ENTIRE class was the "HI MOMMY" and him taking off, away from Trav, to try and get to me on the other side of the floor taking pictures. THAT was something Abby NEVER did - Darn her and her "Daddy's Girl-ness". At least I have my little Andy! :)

He did some warm up stuff (apparently he REFUSED to do the "bear crawl" - why crawl? I can WALK now!), He did some forward rolls, and attempted some Balance Beam (I guess he thought he was supposed to straddle it - not walk ON it).

He mostly enjoyed the "Free Time" though... He really liked the Ladder Crawl. Hello Football Tire Drill someday?

But, his most FAVORITE part of the ENTIRE class was the Balance Tunnel! Well, that was until there was a BALL to put IN THE TUNNEL - Hold on folks - let the excitement begin! :)

Anyways, just thought I would share some photos of our newest little gymnast in the family!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oaks Park - Preschool Days

Yesterday we went to Oaks Park for the Preschool Days. It is great fun - the parents get in free and the kids are cheap! They only have the "Preschool Rides" available, but they are unlimited and they are perfect for the age of our kids!

Andy got to go this time as well. We weren't sure he liked the slide or not, but he did it - TWICE!

We got some really cute pictures are well! Abby took Andy on the car ride. She took her job VERY seriously! I told her to put her arm around him incase he tried to escape. She kept her grip on him the ENTIRE time - it was cute.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This past week...

This last week was a busy one for us! Abby started PS and Ballet, visited the Dentist, and had a few playdates! She was overtired, and grouchy most of the week. We will have to see if she adjusts or if we need to eliminate an activity or two. We will see...

We also got more shelves and officially moved Andy into "THE Toyroom" (as opposed to "Abby's toyroom") Which, did nothing but add to the drama of the week. But, hey, it is over now...

Abby went to the Dentist (she is perfect as per her Dentist) and got a new toothbrush and floss (woohoo - exciting!). She also got to have Daddy take her (Cool!) and then visit w/him and Uncle Trevor at work for a few hours (Double Cool!)

Abby's little friend Rachel got to spend the day w/us on Tuesday while her mom had some appointments. They got along SO well that I was ready to keep her by the end of the day! It actually made my day easier to have three kids that day because the two girls kept so busy playing nicely and doing art work together.

Andy didn't change much this week. Still is having G.I. Issues, is walking more and more, teething, and STILL getting into EVERYTHING!!!

We also celebrated Kayla's 4th birthday (although she is insisting that she turned 5). The girls were too distracted for me to get any good photos, but here is what I got...

Andy discovered the joys of a good "Graham Cracker Snack" while hanging w/sister on their new matching stools. They were cute...

Overall, it was a good week - just a really busy one! Here is hoping next week is a little more tame - Haahaa...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

OSU vs. Louisville

OSU home opener - Go Beavs!

The entire family headed down to Corvallis this last Saturday to celebrate the OSU home opener. We totally forgot to stage a photo shoot of the kids before we left the house, so we had to settle for a cement wall inside when we got there - it was raining when we 1st got there, so we didn't get a chance for a cool back drop of the stadium or any of the signage. Oh well, I WILL get some cute ones before the season is out - I WILL!

We actually stayed really dry during the game. We are RIGHT at the edge of the covered area, so most of the rain doesn't get us - especially when the wind is in our favor! It did RAIN at 1/2 time though, so we went inside and shared a bucket of popcorn and stretched our legs. Andy discovered that he LOVES popcorn - his first experience w/it!

Oh, and Abby had a blue sucker... :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Andy Update - Just Words

Sorry to you that love the pictures - this one is all words... Okay, so I found a picture from today and added it at the last minute - just to make you happy!

I feel like I have been cheated out of the last 6 weeks of my baby's life. I'm irritated, and frustrated, and mostly worried - but try not to be because we are hopeful that it is a simple fix - once we find it. But, as a parent you still worry, you hear the horror stories, and you make up your own - why do we do that?

I also realize in all this that I have missed things, forgotten things, and glossed over things. In that, I know I have really fell down on the job as far as reporting the milestones, celebrating the fun, etc.

Andy is the proud owner of 5 teeth - #6, 7, & 8 are CLOSE and coming to a theater near you shortly - I'm sure of it.

Andy is walking. Like all the time. His first steps were Aug. 18th - almost 13 months old! He has had Abby beat in just about everything physical except that. Abby was pretty much walking full time by 13 months. Andy - first steps. That surprised me... I guess it was because he was such a FAST crawler? I don't know. Anyways, he didn't waste long after that. The next two weeks were steps here, steps there. The third week was - "okay, I think I like this - I will do it w/out mommy coaxing me and a cookie treat at the end". :) Last week it was ON. He is walking across the room, he is toddling everywhere. It became his #1 mode of transport. You don't see him crawl much at all. He is now a WALKER.

Because he wasn't into enough before - he is also a CLIMBER. We can't park his little ATV where we originally did because he would climb on it, stand on it, and then climb onto the end table next to it, onto the couch, and then fall off - repeat. He climbs the kitchen barstools, gets on the seat, stands up, climbs onto the table, and then sits in the middle of the table as if to say "now what, nowhere to go from here?" You have seen in recent posts that he figured out his slide, mommy's set stool, and numerous other things. He will be the one that tries to cliff dive and climb mountains - mark my words!

Andy is happy, and is in touch w/his own lungs. He is loud. He is learning "Shhhh". We took him to church this last weekend and I think I was holding my breath the entire time. I was just ready for the random screaming to start. He doesn't need a reason - he just screams. I can't handle it. I try and ignore it, I "no" it, I discourage it. Hopefully it will be short lived - here is hoping...

Andy is a singer. He hums, he sings, he boogies. He is just so dang cute. He just does it all the time - there doesn't even have to be music - he makes his own. It cracks me up. We were in the pediatrician's office last week and she was commenting on his humming. She said she could only think of two others that she sees that do that. I was like "um, is that bad? What does that mean?" Because she seemed so perplexed by it. She chuckled and just said that she RARELY sees that. Especially when they are in unfamiliar surroundings. So, I'm not sure what that means - but, he is cute. And hey - he doesn't have stage fright! :)

Andy has been tummy sick for 6 weeks now. It all started right around July 28th. We have tried something new almost every week for 6 weeks. We have had allergy testing done. We have charted food, and liquids, and poo. It sucks. Really sucks. I hate not knowing. I hate getting a road to go down and finding out that it isn't the answer. I hate changing the diapers and seeing his poor little diaper rash. I hate pretty much everything about this.

We have removed Dairy, Soy, and most recently Eggs (came back positive on an allergy test). So far, still problems. He has been Egg free for over 48 hrs now. I'm hoping his system is just so screwed up it will take a while to recover and not that there is ANOTHER allergy we haven't found yet. We don't know. We have learned a TON about Probiotics and Allergies in the last month and a half. And you start to feel like such a bad parent that you "just wish his system is so screwed up..." I can't believe I just typed that. But, honestly, I can't believe I didn't a little boogie dance yesterday when we found out he was allergic to eggs - really, I was happy?

Our next stop is to a Pediatric GI Specialist at Emmanuel Childrens' Hospital. Last week, he finally started losing weight. Bad for him, good for us because they started taking things more seriously. Six weeks w/no resolve has been hard on all of us. We were able to get an appointment in just four weeks (Oct. 13th). So, hopefully he can pinpoint it down as an allergy before we have to go that route, but we have the appointment just in case.

Anyways, this was an attempt to focus on some stuff BESIDES that, update you on normal stuff too - because I have been lacking in that department, and also to update those of you that might have no idea we have been going thru this. Because, to be honest, there isn't enough time in the day to update everyone and still make all the Doctor's Appointments (about two a week right now), PS activities (Abby has started School, Dance, and Gym again - Swimming starts next week!), Play dates, and still get dinner on the table at the end of the day. In fact tonight Trav microwaved dinner out of the freezer. Yep, it has been that type of summer for us...

Hope you are all well and we will try to keep you better updated on the fun stuff as well!

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of School!!

Abby started Preschool again this last week. She is now in the "4s" class and goes three days a week (M, W, F). She was VERY excited again this year. I love that she loves it. I'm sure it will seem like brief moments before I'm pulling her out of bed five minutes before the bus arrives and hear "MOM, but I'm TIRED". But, until then, I'm going to enjoy these great smiles and excitement of the FIRST DAY!!!!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Andy the Ape

Andy is an Ape. Or just a little boy. Or I don't know, but the boy in ON everything and IN everything!!! Here are some pictures from this last Saturday.

He decided he wanted his snack trap. It was on the counter, away from him. Because, after all, snacks are for little boys that eat all their lunch. Andy was not one of these little boys... Anyways. Mommy took the snack trap away and put it on the counter - out of reach - right...

Next thing I know, he is on the step stool, reaching up on the counter, and getting his snack trap. Foiled again! No sooner had I took the pictures of him perched on the EDGE of the stool, gave him the dang snack trap, gotten him down, and put the camera away did I turn around and see this... cont.

He apparently remembered that we had to start hiding the graham cookies that we give him during diaper changes in the bowl next to the fridge (see previous post w/him dumping the diaper basket upside down looking for them). So, he climbs up on the stool, again, reaches into the bowl, and pulls out the graham cookies. Little stinker.

I took more photos, gave him the dang cookie (he was pretty cute after all), got him down, PUT AWAY the stool, and went about my day!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Fall Family Fun Festival

Okay, so I made that name up... But, I do think it was called "Family Fun Carnival" or something... :) Our Neighbors, the Morrisons, asked us to join them at their church this last weekend for a Family Fun Night. We were game. After all, we are a family, and we like fun!

Oh, but first... Andy mastered his slide - all on his own - on Friday. He loves it. Walks around to it, climbs up to the top of the little ladder, teeters and rocks and almost falls - but gets his chumby little legs underneath himself, and then flies down the slide and hits his head on the carpet. Repeat. Great fun - you should try it!

Once we got to the Carnival he BEE-LINED it for the ball. Look Mommy - someone left a ball out! Woohoo! Oh, and him and Trav also tried Plinko...

Abby walked into the gym and saw Donuts! Donuts hanging from a string - free for the taking! Right then I think she knew she was going to like this place! Her and Rachel entered the "Donut on a String" eating contest. They were horrible at it, but very cute. And, hey... They got to eat a donut at 7pm at night!

She also tried Plinko and Fished for a prize (A purple pencil!!!!), and attempted a ring toss.

But, the best part of the entire night you ask? THEY HAD A CUPCAKE WALK!!!!!!!!! Now for those of you that know me, and the Bethany Carnival, know that *I* felt at home as soon as I saw that. "Dude, I got this. I have 9 years of practice under my belt on this one".

Imagine my PRIDE when my kids "kicked butt" at it as well. They were in heaven. I was in heaven. We all had cake. It was great! :)

Thanks to the Morrisons for inviting us - we had a great time!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pre-K Orientation

Preschool Orientation was so cool this year - at least for me! It was comfortable, it was exciting, it was fun to see everyone again - it was like coming home. We love our PS and we love the kids and mommies we have gotten to know this year. It was so nice this year to walk into the building and know the teachers, know where her class was, and know at least 1/2 of the kids!

Over the summer, the eight of us returning moms (plus April - we miss you April), got together once a week for a picnic lunch in the park. It was really awesome. We got to keep in touch, watch the kids grow, and form our own little "Moms Group" thru it. It is a great little group of stay-at-home, Christian, moms. I feel very blessed to be a part of it and I'm so glad we decided to do it - it was fun!

So, the first day of PS it was like a little reunion - we hadn't seen each other in a week you know! It was great to see everyone, see the kids' excitement to see their old classroom, see how much everyone had grown, how much the siblings had grown, etc.

Abby got to meet her new Teachers (Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Kunz), get her picture taken w/the class tree, and revisit some of her favorite toys and art projects!

Andy, well Andy got to hang w/his buddy Wyatt and dream of the days when they get to stay and play all day as well!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oregon Zoo - Labor Day

Labor Day we went to the Zoo w/Grammy and Papa. It was GREAT fun. The weather was PERFECT for the zoo - it was cool in the a.m. and we got to see most of the animals out and about! Then, by lunch time it started to warm up enough to shed our sweatshirts.

Andy's favorite exhibit - by far - was the fish. The cows came in second... :)

We even took a stroll thru the Dinosaur Exhibit. I love the one of Abby and Grammy checking out the Dinosaur - is there two more unlikely Dinosaur Lovers?

It warmed up by Lunch Time and Andy and Abby both couldn't wait to get down to the grassy area and stretch their legs!

Abby had a great time "monkey'ing" around, playing in Africa, and feeding the Lorakeets!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Beaver Believers!!!

Football season is once again upon us. The season when our house become shrouded in Black and Orange, "Duck" becomes a bad word, and Saturday is almost as holy as Sunday.

Another year, another hope. Another year, another outfit. Another year, another hectic schedule. Another year, another PHOTO SHOOT! All I'm going to say is this... Trav was in charge of the photo shoot this year and this is the ONE picture that was sharable....

(psst: *I* will try again next week.)

Above is a picture of me and the kids watching the season opener - good game, bad outcome.

Here are some more photos Trav got of Abby - I see our future and it looks dramatic, expensive, and emmotionally traumatising - too all of us! :)

Until next week - Go BEAVS!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Have I Mentioned....

Have I mentioned that Andy is into EVERYTHING these days? Here is he "washing" Abby's shoe in his pool. Just laying on his tummy - playing away...

Here he is "reading" to puppy. He was just so cute - little man, big chair. He LOVES books. He will sit and look at books for a pretty long period of time - that is when there isn't something to climb on, get into, eat, or an open door to escape thru!