Thursday, February 24, 2011

Andy - 19 Months Old

Andy turned 19 Months Old February 24th. Wow, 19 Months. Seems like just yesterday I was taking him to get his 18 Month Photos. In fact, I still don't have them printed, or framed, or given away to everyone yet! But, part of that is Trevor's Fault!!!!! :)

At times like this, it is hard for me to think of what to type. What is new. What is different. There are new, silly, fun, amazing things he does everyday. But, when it comes time to put the fingers to the keyboard, I have a hard time remember what EXACTLY we do all day!

Andy is obsessed with anything that "Sissy" does, wears, plays with, loves, eats, etc. You get the point. Most recently he has decided that her bike helmet is his. We aren't sure why. We don't really get it. But, he screams to have it put on. Then, you put it on and he screams that he wants it off. Gotta love that! Not.

I captured the moment the other day. It was just an added bonus that he was using one of her old, pink, binkies as well:

Daddy's (or anybody's really) shoes are still fun. What is even more fun is when Sissy plays a game that HE invented/started. Love how he is smiling at her in this picture. He is so excited she is playing with him.

They have been playing together more and more now that 1. he has decided she is ultra cool, and 2. she can get him to follow directions/orders - for the most part. They have made a "fort" out of my hall coat closet. They have pillows and blankets and a light all set up in there. It is pretty cute.

Andy's newest funny trick/story is this... He has his "little blue potty" chair in the bathroom. Well, the last week or so he has started to tell us when he has to, or he has gone "poop, poop". Now, I'm in no way started to potty training him, but it is a great start and if he wants to sit on the potty and pretend, I'm going to let him. Especially if he is going to start saying when he needs to go or needs a new diaper. So, anyways... I got sidetracked...

His newest thing is to walk into the bathroom, shut the door, sit on his potty (fully clothed), and then we hear him yell "blah, blah, blah poop-poop". The first time he did it Trav and I just lost it because we realized what he was doing. He was mimicking Abby. That is what she does. She goes in there, does her thing and then yells for us to come and wipe. Maybe you had to be here and maybe I shouldn't talk about "poop-poop" in my blog, but it was funny and cute and funny and cute. :)

Oh, did I mention that Andy is into shoes? And, it doesn't really matter whose (is that the right who?) they are? Most recently, he has discovered some that are "just his size", and boy don't you DARE try and give him a pair that doesn't match!!! Trav tried to give him one purple and one pink the other day and you would have thought he was holding Puppy over the garbage can - major drama!

I'm sorry Andy. I know you will hate me someday. But, I had to do it. I'm sorry, but these are too funny/cute not to share! I refrained from posting on Facebook. He should be happy I gave him that much!

Here are few cute photos of Andy eating her "Bears" that Grammy got him for Valentine's. He has them in a little Ziploc bag and he takes them out of the pantry and works on them every once in while. It is cute to watch him tackle the marshmallow and to also say "Bear" as he bites their heads off.

There is just something so cute and innocent about these pictures that I love. Even if he is ripping their heads off.

Notice the bottom right photo - he is feeding some to Puppy. Remember you can always click on these photos to see them better.

So, that is Andy in a nutshell right now. He still loves music class. He can dance like nobody's business. Loves Swimming. Loves picking up Abby at PS. Is becoming such a little "pal" to both Abby and Me. Him and I get lots of bonding time while Abby is at PS and he is a errand running little trooper!

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